Human Rights



ACCL International human resource policies are complied with any discrimination engagement in any form, including based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic. This policy applies on to hiring, promotion, compensation, and all other employment practices.

Labor Rights:
At ACCL International, employees have the right to fair and just working conditions, including fair wages, reasonable working hours, and safe working environments.
Child Labor:
ACCL International is against child labor, by complying with the international labor standards ACCL discourages the child labor and it set policy that any kind of hiring should be done as per legal allowable age of the candidate in operating jurisdiction.
Community Engagement:
ACCL International strongly supports the local community building and our human resource policy has designed with same concept. Our local operational team has clear instructions to engage the local communities, especially when operating in areas where their activities may have significant social or environmental impacts. This includes seeking the informed consent of affected communities and respecting their rights and traditions.